Request A Meeting Room

The St. Mary Parish Library meeting rooms are designed to accommodate the needs of non-profit community organizations, provided that their activities align with the Library’s operations and services and are related to the library’s goals and objectives.

Meeting rooms are available at the Alex P. Allain Memorial Library (Franklin), Amelia, Bayou Vista, Berwick, Centerville, and West End Branches. Priority is given to library-sponsored programs.

These rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis for cultural, educational, charitable, historical, fraternal, and civic groups. However, the use of these rooms is not permitted for:

  • Commercial purposes
  • Social gatherings
  • Private parties
  • Political meetings
  • Religious worship and preaching
  • Money-making events
  • Programs conducted by commercial firms

Access to meeting room spaces requires prior application approval. If you wish to reserve a meeting room, kindly complete the application form.

Meeting Room Policy
Meeting Room Application